This is hilarious!! What did you make this in, because it's pretty damn awesome.
This is hilarious!! What did you make this in, because it's pretty damn awesome.
Pretty good.
I'll tell you what I like:
I like the fixed jaw, which is equally shaped on both sides, rather than one (like a McCain look).The nose is good, as well as the hair.
But what I don't like:
I don't like the philtrum - It seems to be too 'drooped', or hangin' low. Bring the lips
up a little, maybe leave the chin because it looks good. The left eye bothers me somewhat, but I suppose it's the angle in which the face is placed. And the last thing is the eyebrows.. Too clear on each particular hair, but I guess that's just me.
--- I understand it's practice, but I think everyone should get a little criticism! :D
Thanks! Practice is all about criticism.
I like the top-left
I think the top-left sketch is the best one on there. The bottom right has a weird cheeck thing going on and I don't think the front of the helmet is THAT big. Sorta like a German helmet, not so much Darth Vader.
And usually, in modern mil. tech, the things like Infared Vision switch for a HUD, or a Respirator System, wouldn't be located exactly on the side of the mask (at least not on the side of the FRONT.. of the mask :S). I could imagine it being on the torso area somewhere, but hey, your design!
The left arm is a bit misshaped in comparison to its right arm. However it's the right leg that's different from its left leg (notice the minor difference in the thighs and knees). Kinda looks like a pose that a girl would do, with the one leg lifted off the ground slightly thing. I'm not really going to compare your drawing to a girl, I'm just saying.
The gas mask is...Well now that I look at it it's not too bad, but previously I thought it was a bit crooked. The chest plate looks good, generally the torso was well-done. The hands are pretty good, but you might want to add a little shadowing to show that he has other fingers.. It looks like pinchers on the right lol.
But this looks pretty good, I wouldn't mind wearing this in uniform lol
Good calls, I knew noticed the asymmetrical posture and that kinda bugged me. But alas, I was too lazy to fix it and I was on a roll so.... yeah. I'll try to make things cleaner and more consistent in my next draft, which should arrive sooner now that I have a basic design down.
Thanks for the constructive criticisms, MiLink, I appreciate it!
Also check your inbox.
Too simple, ugly colors
Don't want to be rude, but the gradient for that blast is a bit ugly. I see your theme with the simple guy, but try adding a complex background to balance it.
Theres too much... contrast. I can see what you're trying to do here, but in many ways this could be better. I guess it's not all too bad, though..
Very nice, love Starcraft
Probably the best submission today (seeing how there were only three, but this is still really good).
Lovin the blood!!
The blood detail is great, except that the witch's face isn't as creepy as it should be. It's still 10/10 material though, don't get me wrong.
And I like the little exclamation sign in the background haha
Age 32, Male
Joined on 6/4/10