
53 Game Reviews

5 w/ Responses

Based too much on the book.

I got 80% survival just by answering it honestly, but I do own Max's book and it seems like you took all the questions and put them into there.

You should ask about if you have any experience handling firearms or combat too lol. You can be in good shape but not know how to fight.

100% Love this Game

One thing - Can you explain to me and everyone else how to rank up? I turned on the game today and all of a sudden I was promoted to First Lieutenant. Maybe explain the medals system too, because there aren't any empty slots that give you a hint to what you have to do to achieve the medals..

But this game is very fun, can't wait to see another one some day.

Fun game!

It was a bit easy, mostly because I was able to do most of it myself, but there were some things that were tricky and needed more explanation like the 5151 code. This was really fun though!

Ups and Downs

Good graphics and all, since they represent NG and all. But some things to look at: For some reason, I can't connect to the server no matter what. I read the 'help' and I can see how it can be based off of Final Fantasy VII's Triple Triad. Reading some reviews, it doesn't seem like a good idea to force users in purchasing the cards with points. I guess it's good marketing, but still..

It was a real bummer that I can't play it for who knows why, but I wish I could have.

Oddly, it's the wrong place.

I mean - you should have posted this in the Audio Portal.

Lol, pretty cool

This is actually pretty fun to play!

Holy Shit

By far, one of the most interesting puzzles I've played on NewGrounds ever.

Some bugs that need fixing

There are some grammatical errors, like the word 'enemy' in the gameplay. But one of the bugs is that there is no death line when you fall off a cliff. Might want to check that out.

Hahaha, 2/3 achievements.

That last medal is insane, i'm not even going to try and get it. I'm very happy with the other 2 I got lol. Very fun game though!

Age 31, Male



Joined on 6/4/10

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