Yeah, definitely could use improvements though
I mean, graphics wise, it needs an upgrade.. And a replay button would be nice.
Yeah, definitely could use improvements though
I mean, graphics wise, it needs an upgrade.. And a replay button would be nice.
There is a replay button.
A few notes
When it comes to the Secret Tomb level, it doesn't let me go back to the left side after collecting the coins on the right.
Also, why can't I kill the enemies, like jumping on them? They come at you faster than you can usually move, and there's nothing you can do except take the damage. Also, they can't travel on the platforms, which isn't good.. Maybe that should be improved.
Along with some other obvious tweaks, I suggest you look into fixing it.
You kill the enemies by clicking on them.
As forthe Secret Tomb, you need to hold right on the second step on the left side. Then you should be able to see the exit.
Needs Improvements
I really like the game - I feel like it has great potential (probably because I like these type of games), but the controls need to be adjusted for quick use. The graphics could use a little touching up, but besides that I feel like this game is good.
Graphics are my problem, they won't be improved.
But I will make a quick select useing Ctrl+1,2,3
Thanks for the review
Some bugs.
The gun doesn't even respond to the arrow keys until you click on it or something. It was a bit difficult, not really recommended until improvements are made (no offense). But seeing how you made it for experience, I'll slide with a 6.
I fully understand your review, but as I am new to as3 and game design i figured keeping it easy would be the best thing. Because otherwise I would get bored and frustrated and never finish the game....
Not much variation to the choices of clothing.
and what's up with the dancing girls?
Age 31, Male
Joined on 6/4/10